Thursday, 6 August 2020

This Province, This Land, These People

erry Glavin, a columnist for Maclean's and Postmedia, outlines the forgotten story of how BC started off as one of the most unique and progressive corners of the 19th century world. 

In a world of Indian wars, exploitative colonialism and widespread chattel slavery, pre-Confederation BC briefly stood out as a model of how a diverse, multi-ethnic society could live in cooperation with a region's first peoples. As we seek reconciliation, BC, in contrast to the rest of Canada, can find more guidance in its past than most realize.

Read the whole article here:

Greedy opportunistic rule has triumphed over human capacities. I fear we are forgetting who we are as a species.  Most of this planet's problems are caused by this greed. Even as we watch vast lands flooded or succumb to wild fires, those who have arrested democracy for their own interests fail to learn anything.

We need to pay attention to the Indigenous people as they are doing more to save this planet than our governments.

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