Sunday, 26 July 2020

Power Begins Inside You

It depends on how you express it and the values you have, and knowing what you are willing to die for. It depends on your commitment to life as opposed to how much you invest your ego in things — such as status symbols, trophies, fashions in clothes, hair and accessories.

I have heard many times from people in cities and capitalist nations to look your best. The message is "your body is not just a function of being healthy, it is a statement of your worth". I'm not saying that capitalism or being materialistic is to blame. It's not the bling that makes you — it's your soul.

So the soul can't be located in a physical place and you may think using the word is a cop out. But I believe the soul has no physical body because it's where your character, habits and aspirations live. It's the essence of your life while it breathes. 

I can't replace the material world with my soul because my soul has no authority over the material world, it's a reference point for my aspirations. I aspire to other soft things like love, empathy, art and communication. I am ready to admit this could be wrong, or dangerous even.

What power drives a steam engine before the metal is mined and molded? Is it the imagination, a dream, or physics? What elements am I missing here? The planet, the land, air, the first tardigrade that moved?

I try to imagine the big bang and I have listened to astrophysicists explain how it worked but I can't imagine or explain it. I cannot understand how science works although I respect the people who have learned to understand small details that make up the universal meaning and how each tiny part fits the bigger puzzle. 

I suspect there is a gateway between the truth and the lie. It's the way in which humans have the capacity to use what has become clear to them. Will it make them famous or rich, or will it help us all to live in harmony with the universe?

The power of truth is not for our ego to exploit, it is for the hope that suffering will decrease and our great-grandchildren will come into the world to see how beautiful and how magical their birth is. This doesn't take away suffering, it doesn't guarantee our survival. But it brings meaning into our lives.

Whatever values and sustains life will give you ideas on how to be at peace with your power to imbue the world with moral dignity and gratitude. It will inspire you  to use your power for the greater good.

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