Friday, 8 May 2020

Conscience Conversation

Here is a list of questions created by our Conscience Conversation group. These questions remind me that the road to human survival is not easy or pre-scripted. We are evolving. We are potentially integral beings with varying abilities to solve problems, with diverse ways of interpreting the world.

The questions here are so important and I have received permission from members of our group to post on this blog. 

  1. How do we know what we (believe we) know? 
  2. Who do we trust to give us the “right” information, and on what basis? 
  3. Is there a dominant narrative, and if so, who (if anyone) controls it? 
  4. What role does the new phenomenon of the internet play? 
  5. What are human rights and responsibilities in the face of a public health crisis?
  6. Long term human rights issues and short term human rights issues? 
  7. How do we as a society navigate risk, and deal with uncertainty?  
  8. Should death be the ultimate deciding factor in governmental decision-making?
  9. What are the factors we think are guiding governmental decision making? 
  10. How do we make important decisions in a democratic society, and who should be involved? 
  11. What other factors should guide governmental decision making?
  12. How does limited information media influence our conversations?
  13. How does social media influence our conversations?
  14. How does a hierarchical society organize information?
  15. How do we as a society treat people who are trying to address what cannot be proven?
  16. What is the difference between scientific fact, and scientific theory? 

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