Wednesday, 23 October 2019

After the Election

Us Versus Them

Every year 
new enemies are trotted out 
like livestock at an auction
while the auctioneer
spits out bids so fast 
buyers must lift their hands
at the right millisecond to win the deal.

No empathy for sheep or cow
harnessed to display
the buttock, hind leg and neck
—terror sedated with hay.

Well trained salesmen
smell fear from east to west 
predicting mood
finding the right words
to steer the captured away 
from an exit that leads to freedom
and back to the holding pen.

If we must stay in this battered barn
let’s identify the one who really is to blame
the designer of our game
who lays awake at night
designing the ultimate holding pen
to trap, cook and eat our children.

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