Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Open Letter to All Leaders

Dear Leaders please be aware of the war we are waging, between profit and sustainable life.  

"The planet is transitioning under our onslaught to a new era called the Anthropocene. This era is the product of violent conquest, warfare, slavery, genocide and the Industrial Revolution, which began about 200 years ago, and saw humans start to burn a hundred million years of sunlight stored in the form of coal and petroleum. Chris Hedges, Saying Goodbye to Planet Earth. 

Then there is this report by Guy Dauncey: BC's Climate Intentions Papers: A Timid Response and Twelve Solutions We Really Need: 

1. 100% Renewable Energy by 2040, 

2. 95% Green House Gas Reduction by 2040, 
3. Legally mandated annual carbon budgeting,  
4. Province wide public engagement, 
5. Stand firm against the pipeline, 
6. All new cars to be EV's by 2015, 
7. Massive support for urban cycling, 
8. Huge expansion of Transit, 
9. All new buildings to be zero carbon by 2024, 
10. Building energy labelling, 
11. No oil-heated building by 2025, 
12. Climate test for all new industrial projects, and zero carbon by 2040.

So, just in case you are wondering, like I am, why our powerful interests wish to keep sending us back to the end of the Roman Empire with its brutality and toxic machismo - ask yourself where has even one of these things been achieved or is seriously attempted? None?  Then ask yourself what is the common theme in the solutions to save the planet.

Life perhaps?  Has it come to this, that ruling powers are afraid of life, love and all the energies and information that shows a reverence for life? Does it look as though any political candidate who wants to save our world is going to be first tossed out by a group sabotage?

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