Thursday, 26 July 2018

Letter to BC Ferries

I am a resident of Gabriola and often travel Taylor Bay Road to get to the village.

I have noticed the line up takes cars onto the road where there are bends. Because some of the cars are part way on to the road I must pass on the oncoming traffic lane. This is dangerous because oncoming traffic cannot see me. I move as close as possible to the cars in the line up but still go to the oncoming traffic lane.

It appears that we need more frequent ferries to avoid this long line up. When catching a ferry I get in line as the previous ferry is leaving, which is possible for retired people, but not everyone can do this.

Overburdened line ups also cause some to get too frustrated and do dangerous things. We are all responsible for our own behaviour but so much of our civil society is being destroyed by ruthless economic ideologies.

Climate change, abusive treatment of workers and the economic trend which intentionally pushes people to a deep sense of insecurity, calls for a renewal in community engagement, with empathy for all who struggle to get through their day.

Thank you for all that you do.

Janet Vickers

A reply came within a couple of hours - here:-

 Hello Janet,
We understand the concerns people are having (I was on the island Monday…spent time along various points of Taylor Bay Road and the entire ferry line up), especially around safety.
To this, we are in discussions with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure…as they have also had many people contact them recently to this issue. We are analysing ideas with them for possible measures to alleviate problems.


Darin Guenette
Manager, Public Affairs
British Columbia Ferry Services Inc.
T: 1-877-978-2385 (toll free) or 250-978-2385 C: 250-213-9253 F: 250-978-1119

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