Monday, 18 June 2018

The Essential Cleavage in Society

"The heartlessness of that is mind-boggling. It seems to elude the administration and its cheerleaders that this is not about crime or security, but about the most elemental human values; that ordering armed border guards to cruelly and needlessly rip children from mothers — in one case, while she was breast-feeding the child — goes against fundamental American values and undercuts its standing in the world." Seizing Children From Parents at the Border Is Immoral. Here’s What We Can Do About It. The Editorial Board, NYTimes.

"This is the platform Mr. Trump ran on, after all: a platform of xenophobia and corruption. This is the culmination of the dictatorial ambitions and dehumanization of immigrants that smug journalists and officials told people to take seriously – but not literally. For Latino immigrants, demonized from the very day Mr. Trump launched his campaign, it was always literally." Sarah Kendzior (

There are those who were raised on a silent current of spite, mostly unspoken, but usually delivered to those who are powerless. Like the schoolyard bully scouring the playground for someone to pick on. When asked to talk about this bullies are silent - they often have no words. Children who were abused can find themselves meting out the same actions that caused them the pain they could not name.

Anyone who thinks about culture and human nature are familiar with the habits of people they know and love and how it relates to their history and our history.

But how many come to the conclusion that collectively, we know so little about life other than war and violence. How many of us witness a change in the personality of a child when she crosses the river of longing to the acceptance of reality as she has been dealt it.

There is a dark river running through our minds and veins, and spite is a sign of it. When people feel empowered because babies and toddlers are snatched from those who have less power than they - there is no reasoned argument to support that and the only conclusion is that there will be a political response which will punish most if not all people.

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