Wednesday, 14 June 2017

The Crown of Centralized Power

The crown of centralized power is the castle. Protected by the walls and weapons, the servants and sycophants just like medieval monarchy.  The walls are built by ideology and propaganda:  those who are in positions of power have earned  or inherited them.  The weapon is money.

If people become too socially enlightened they challenge power and when that happens the canons are rolled out.  Blaming the most powerless, finding scapegoats, ritual abuse, war, public shaming, pornography, poverty, misogyny, misanthropy, misandry, racism, homophobia and inequality. These are the weapons that divide and conquer. The fleeting feelings of superiority may bring support for the crown, but is soon diminished because there is no good feeling when you realize you are being manipulated.

The psyche of the ordinary man, woman and child is to be ritually punctured with doubt, self-loathing and fear. Violence towards others in entertainment and the commons atomizes the people who believe no-one can be trusted.

When people intentionally torture other people and animals for no good reason, it means the individual has become so isolated from his own nature, his thoughts and feelings,  that he seeks to harm others as the only way to feel his presence in the world. The propaganda around this make humanity redundant.

Ritual cruelty is the proof that the human spirit has been robbed of dignity and worth.  That hate has separated us at a very deep level, from our kin and our neighbours.  We are no longer a family. We are merely instruments (workers, soldiers, politicians and court jesters) for the ruling system. There is no need for music, art, stories or love in the world. The impenetrable castle is anti-life.

Under fascist rule humanity must be turned into a mindless united machine.  We can see this in the marching parades of totalitarian nations. Schools that train children to be obedient factory workers. Technology that isolates us from others with trivial entertainments. Advertising that elevates consumerism above relationship - a gift as a replacement for love and time.

Our struggle for human rights and dignity is a threat to power because it replaces power-over with belonging, support, love and compassion.

The true meaning of power is life. People, animals, plants, air, water and the gifts they offer us. Without these elements castles are broken ruins that nothing and no-one can see.

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