Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Early Voting in the Canadian Federal Election

For those who are away on Election Day October 19th, here, courtesy of Jennifer Davidson, is some information on when and how we can all cast our ballots.

1. The easiest way if you are not leaving until after Thanksgiving is to vote in the
advanced poll on October 9, 10, 11 or 12. Location TBA – should be in paper or use contact t information for Elections Canada below.

2. If you are leaving before Thanksgiving, you can vote by mail-in special ballot as follows:

  • Ballots can be picked up at Elections Canada office at the old Dufferin Crescent Elementary school at 1111 Dufferin Crescent. Apparently it is a bit of a process to register, so leave yourself lots of time. Ask for the Special Ballot Coordinator
  • You can fill out and return your ballot at the office or take it away and mail in later
  •  Registration must take place before October 13
  • Ballots mailed in must arrive at Elections Canada in Ottawa before 6 pm on Election Day.
  • Elections Canada office is open as follows:
  • August: 10-5, Mon-Fri, but the Special Ballot Coordinator is only available from 10-1pm. September/October: 9-9 Mon-Fri; 9-5 Saturday and 12-4 Sunday.
You will need the following for ID: 

i. Drivers Licence with current address OR
ii. Government issued photo ID with current address OR
iii. 2 pieces of Id showing photo, name and residence address e.g. passport and Hydro bill

More information can be found at www.elections.ca or by phoning 1-866-545-0624
Hope this helps you to get out and vote!

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The Reason For World Poverty
