Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Rabble: "Militarism degrades, disrupts and destroys democracy"

Headless Armless Soldier
"As the Canadian government plays at fighting wars in Iraq/Syria and in eastern Europe, we see daily examples of how militarism ultimately degrades, disrupts and destroys democracy. Indeed, we are subjected to a gravitational pull of obedience to martial values that blinds us to a series of uncomfortable realities that are visible in plain sight but unmentionable in mainstream discourse. While a slavish media hangs on every General's word, Ottawa refuses to release the costs of its overseas adventures. Politicians who voted against the Middle East mission now say we must rally around the troops." Matthew Behrens. Rabble.


  1. mil·i·ta·rism noun \ˈmi-lə-tə-ˌri-zəm\
    : the opinions or actions of people who believe that a country should use military methods, forces, etc., to gain power and to achieve its goals Meriam-Webster

    Yes the military has achieved a lot of good work and the trained personnel are some of the finest most disciplined human beings, but when a government focuses on military might as its operational ego, the people of that nation often fail to pay attention to the needs of its citizens. In fact feelings and relationships are subsumed under duty. A civil society could operate on the needs of families (living wages, day care, women's rights, protection of the law, and services that keep us from desperate acts such as mental health care when needed.)


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