Friday, 21 March 2014

Mending the Broken Promise

From Thomas Mulcair: 

The Conservatives' Unfair Elections Act, C-23, prohibits Elections Canada from promoting youth outreach and education initiatives, like Student Vote—a non-partisan school program that encourages young people to participate in the electoral system‎. Thanks to the advocacy work of Elections Canada, over 500,000 Canadian students learned about the voting system and were encouraged to participate in school elections during the 2011 federal election.
(For more information go to Craig Scott's page. )

The inherent promise in so much of what we have learned over centuries of human struggle, is that power is to be used for the greater good of all its citizens ~ to create societies that allow people to live peacefully and with enough resources to care for their beloved community. Freedom of information, a clean environment, and an education system that supports our children's physical and intellectual growth to become responsible and healthy citizens.

But this promise is broken whenever leaders divert their responsibility for their personal ambition of wealth, or to centralize power for an elite. Every ruling system no matter what it is called breaks the promise and destroys hope for the future when the covenant is corrupted.

We are all stakeholders here and if we choose to believe there is nothing we can do to get closer to a fair and just society, we break the contract and enable the opportunists to rob our children of a livable future. 


  1. Our voting record as Canadians is not too great as it is! We should be doing what is necessary to engage younger voters.

    1. I agree. It's not just voting - it's for owning the society they live in.


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