Thursday, 28 November 2013

Dark Politics: the effect of power on living systems

The best article I have read which explains to me that general feeling of dread I have about the future, is written by Heather Morgan on rabble.

Morgan says that Dark Politics is an ideology "which seeks to obfuscate, misinform, change the rules of conduct and flourishes most when no light of truth is shone upon it."

While Rob Ford appears to be pathetic, Morgan questions his actual role as a political clown.

Reasonable people may think our political representatives should have a code of behavior that inspires us, or a sense of responsibility towards the people he or she serves. But the mainstream media says he still has supporters, which suggests that there is a block of citizens who are willing to trade in honesty, sobriety and service for low taxes.

Ideas such as the notion that the role of government should be increasingly inched towards the ultimate goal of doing little more than reducing taxes while begrudgingly still paying for things like the military and a few other "essential" services. That government should largely divorce itself from civic engagement or from acting as an equalizing mechanism. From fulfilling the collective will of the people.

Dark politics is not interested in the way life endures, supports or celebrates beauty, or hope for a better future.  Dark politics does not understand nuance and diversity.  It is the task of humanity to uphold justice for civil society to survive.  It is up to us to vote for social justice and to use our power to nurture a society built on a reverence for life.

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