Monday, 15 July 2013

With Zimmerman, the Scandal Is What’s Legal (Andrew Rosenthal - The New York Times Taking Note)

Can this happen in Canada? Is it possible that some time in the future the laws here will be the same as in Florida? What will make it easy for gun laws such as this to be entrenched in law? What can we do to avoid it?

A reply from Bob Lane ...

1. Yes,
2. Possible.
3. Vote conservative.
4. Vote Green. Pay attention. Be diligent.


  1. 1. Yes,
    2. Possible.
    3. Vote conservative.
    4. Vote Green. Pay attention. Be diligent.

  2. Thanks Bob. We cannot afford to be smug. Also I just heard on Q (CBC) a commenter on this case who criticized that responses were emotional and did not cover the facts. She did not raise any facts that convinced me that Zimmerman was innocent, but the style of her letter reminded me how the privileged can charge others for being emotional when they are harmed because of policies and bigotries that favour an elite.


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