Friday, 18 May 2012

If I can’t rule the world I shall destroy it.

Who said that? Was it Hitler or Richard III? Is it the bad guy in any (pick one) action movie? Or the familiar fantasy of every child who can’t get her own way but which is soon forgotten when met with a suitable diversion?

The trouble is there are adults in positions of power, who I suspect operate as though control is a kind of revenge.

When our government eschews the professional knowledge of corrections workers and creates more tension within prisons by cutting programs and demanding prisoners pay more room and board; when they plan to shut down 10 of the 22 Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centres, which provide rescue and emergency services for boats; when they silence thousands of federal science workers for Environment Canada, because their research contradict Federal Government plans for economic growth particularly with shipping bitumen from the oil sands; when Jim Stanford creates a graph that shows "that in the last decade, Canadian petroleum exports grew by close to 2 percentage points of GDP ... but Canada's exports of everything else (manufacturing, services and tourism) declined by several times as much"— doesn’t it give you the impression that our world is ruled by ideologies arrested by rage because no matter how much power you have, it is never enough?

But we can develop a universal conscience and find our own ways to nurture from a place of love, gratitude, thoughtfulness and intention. These are things that raise the power of our lives through reverence and that celebrate the knowledge of those who work for the whole of this world.

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