Saturday, 4 February 2012

WHO World Cancer Day

A few days ago I received an email asking that I say a small prayer "Dear God - I pray for a cure for cancer. Amen" and then to forward to all my friends.

Since I don't do chain letters I thought I would write this blog post as a prayer to the universal mind for a cure for cancer and by finding the causes of cancer. Not just the many small details of toxic substances, but the overall cause of cancer - that resistance towards embracing the whole world and nurturing the best possible health for it through our work, our practices and our goals.

This takes more than looking to others to find magic cures. Sure we need the researchers and medicine, the scientific experts and world leaders to do what is right, but they are not magicians. We are all the stewards and agents of good health for the mind, the body, the community and the work place.  These are all connected.

Cancer is not just a single disease, it is the symptom of a very sick system that promotes oppression and greed through ignorance, fear and hatred for humanity on many levels.  Such a system doesn't care for people - it pays lip service to ideals but seeks only to exploit. It does the talk and punishes those who do the walk.

We are micro-units of that system which only has as much power as we invest in it. May we find a way to reconnect to the healing practices we are capable of by living as though health is profit.

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