Sunday, 1 January 2012

Wishes for 2012

What I hope for us all is peace, in the deepest sense of the word.

That in your workplace you are seen (and respected) as the complex, gifted, individual you are.

That your family see the beauty in you and the world around them. That you appreciate and support one another. That your love is reciprocated.

That your community acknowledges your wealth in terms of what you contribute to the group - empathy, problem solving, ideas, effort, nurture, critical thinking and patience.

That your hopes and desires are aligned with the reality around you, and your expectations arise from a place of integrated kindness and justice.

That you are able to bridge the disappointments with new goals and aspirations, and that your moments of despair are short, alleviated by your resolve to carry on.

That your pain is met with healing from your own body and mind, and from your family and community.

That shame or guilt, if it must arise, is aligned to the pain we have caused (and not to the superficial crimes of failing to live up to artificial fashion) and will ultimately lead to forgiveness and compassion.

That, once and for all, we learn how power and wealth are irrevocably tied to our capacity to distribute and meet human needs for shelter, warmth, food and community; and that we understand there is no single leader who can provide this without the help and commitment from us all.

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