Monday, 4 July 2011

Power Bubble

A housing bubble, according to Investopedia is "A run-up in housing prices fueled by demand, speculation and the belief that recent history is an infallible forecast of the future."

A power bubble is a written or unwritten contract on a system that we invest in psychologically, socially, physically and spiritually.  We allow ourselves to be controlled by it insofar as the system offers us something in return, for example, the ideology that our quality of life depends upon a good economy.

We spend our lives learning skills and habits to participate in this system so we can, at the very least, eat and find shelter, and at the most, buy influence over others such as retail staff, servants, employees etc. Although we contribute to this system in essential ways the operating rules are written by others in a place where we have no influence, as though people without an economy cannot survive, yet the economy without people will do just fine.

So we are slaves to this god to whom we make sacrifices, mostly through wars, genocide and forced famines. Unless of course we moderate the economy through justice. However, the instrument of power doesn't know what justice is. 

According to an editorial in the latest Flying Shingle
"One of the exploits at which those who work against economic justice seem to be most shockingly proficient is to create bad conditions and then blame them on those they harm." 
And we, the labour force, mostly go along with it because if we disagree publicly we fear we will be punished.  Even to admit we are oppressed here is to take ourselves out of the comfortable pew.

Systems can only have power over us if we obey its high priests without question. This is a power bubble.  It's worth is what we contribute to it. As long we blame the victims and seek power over those who are unable to defend themselves, we prop up the system.  We say yes to its survival as we watch it destroy the planet we depend on, the people we love, the quality of life our ancestors often gave up their lives for?

It's not the next gadget or the next entertainment that will transform us into something wonderful, it is life that is wonderful.  It is life that brings love, attachment, reward and knowledge.  It is life we serve daily, yearly and eternally. All else are instruments we created and relies upon a reverence for life to sustain it.

So if we are okay knowing men, women and children are being blown up for cheaper oil, we prop up  the power bubble that will, sooner or later, do the same to our children.

If you want to see what a power bubble looks like, when it's stripped of its godlike mythology, you can see it here on this  Universal Effects video.

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