Friday, 31 January 2025
Rivka and Mohammad sung by Bob Bossin
Monday, 27 January 2025
The Reason for Turning Every Day Into a Battleground
Is to delete natural life and the memory of it. To kill all humans so we forget who we are and submerge our entire language and memory into a never ending war, killing our minds and hearts. Kill humanity but don't stop there. Kill all breathing creatures if they have eyes and hearts. Fill this planet with creatures incapable of love or nurture, humans who can count how much power they have and to invent new games to keep winning.
Winning whatever as long we see what they have won. What have we won? World War I. World War II. Artificial Intelligence. Government. Control almost but not quite.
Soccer, Football, Tennis, Rowing, Painting, Singing, Acting, Beauty Contests, Wealth, Control almost, Medicine, Theatre.
The more we are consumed with winning the more we become small and irrelevant, polluting the air, turning our own bodies into trophies. Beauty.
Weapons of mass destruction. We can name all the inventors, or almost all. What will the next hero invent? Camps for the disposable. It's been tried before. Naming those minds and hearts we can do without? Make them illegal? Go to war against them. Kill them all. Find a new scapegoat. A new reason to live or die for.
Anything but loving life in all its forms.
Are we humans or sick puppies?
WE INVENTED WAR. Yes animals kill each other but haven't invested so much emphasis in hate, right or wrong, citizens or enemies.
JUST BECAUSE WE ARE NOT IMPORTANT, doesn't mean we should kill others, create new reasons, new religions, be in control!
We are important but not in competition, not finding the RULER. NOT BEING SUPERIOR OR THE BEST.
Friday, 24 January 2025
Whitewash and The Mental Health of the White Man
Don't flinch. This is how terror begins. With the vulnerability of strong opinions. Opinions are useful as long at they don't take you away from the real world which is vulnerable. You are vulnerable.
Do what you can. Don't try to be the angel or the great warrior.
We are all vulnerable, all at risk. We are human.
What Have We Done?
We've created a warrior society to outlast nature
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Yes. There Is You!
What struggles do you engage in! How are you caring for the life of those you love and those you have yet to meet?
What skills do you bring to this day? Please list them. To dismiss what you bring is to deny the work, love and discipline of all the people you have met.
Are you a deep thinker? Do you resist expressing your opinion before you have done your personal research.
Do you consider how your thoughts and opinions may hurt others?
Write down a list of your accomplishments that would not normally be noticed. Did you ever stop and pick up a stranger?
Did you ever speak up for someone who was considered not popular?
Did you read a disturbing account of injustice involving people you don't know personally?
Did you ever apologize for a decision you made then realize you were wrong?
Have you ever been "shamed" by false accusations yet carried on doing what you thought was right?
Have you ever fought for vulnerable people and suffered judgement against you because of that?
Do you care for a family?
Do you keep your promises for as long as you can?
Have you ever been publicly thanked or given a reward?
See? You are a person of integrity. You are a mensch.
Sunday, 19 January 2025
Is There Anything Besides Trumps Threats?
We can read realities from our work lives. Do we believe that one narcissist can rule the world by cruelty and contempt? Yes he has power and we will be affected by it but does that mean we shall be crushed? Do we have to bow down to it?
Do we have not alternatives such as compassion and encouragement? Do we have no healers and knowledge about health and various countries in the world? Was there no Martin Luther King, no Margaret Atwood, no Tayler Swift, and all the people who wrote, sang, studied and wrote?
Yes we do! We have children who take life seriously, who want to grow up and who have faith that winning is only important if the prize is freedom to be intelligent and thoughtful.
Chris Hedges is still thoughtful and good at pointing out our survival depends on justice and integrity, but he is aware that monied interests can sell us short, dismiss the worth of workers.
Are we really so poor we have no imagination, no intelligence, no life experience? What the current players are afraid of is educated intelligent women who have ideas on how to heal the global economic world but who fear they will lose their misogynist power system.
We can read realities from our work lives. Do we believe that one narcissist can rule the world by cruelty and contempt?
Do we have not alternatives such as compassion and encouragement? Do we have no healers and knowledge about health and various countries in the world? Was there no Martin Luther King, no Margaret Atwood, no Tayler Swift, and all the people who wrote, sang, studied and wrote?
Yes the big bully who wants war more than peace, maybe hopes America will change its name to Trumpia before he dies. But the earth still has intelligent people asking questions dealing with serious questions of survival on this planet.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
Heartbreak, War and Violence
This is a time of grieving. If you see yourself as part of a larger group called humanity.
There is little to no sign of heroic accomplishments. I know of many people who are kind, intelligent and creative. They tend to work in small groups, writing, performing, acknowledging inspiring art and performances in the world today.
We might notice the news seems focused on a few bad actors to the extent you might feel that must be all there is. You might even check the horoscope for a sign this is true.
Then there is Israel, and even the new president of USA. The most powerful nation in the world or North America ...
For some reason our minds appear to be obsessed with power in all it's different forms.
Saturday, 11 January 2025
There's Another Train - wisdom from Bob Bossin
Bob Bossin manages to educate people on what's happening and how we can win by paying attention to that voice that questions the greed of our capitalist habits.
We Have Proven Reality Doesn't Matter To Those In Power
Leaders, and their followers are not interested in a fair and just future, where vulnerable people are protected from greed and the violence it creates. What we are seeing now are a special kind of animal. One that doesn't suffer reality, justice, or freedom from narcissism.
Forget the reality of life on this planet. Pretend we are in an action movie with a cast of caricatures. Egos competing for the most of what each of them wants.
Saturday, 4 January 2025
Robert Reich And The Crisis We Face
Understand the nature of power – who possesses it and why, how it is wielded, and for what purposes. Power means not being accountable for actions that hurt others but that increase your own power and wealth.."
Power is many things to many people, but when Adolf Hitler took power in the 1930's he changed the world and not for the better. The suffering of Hitler's targets were beyond traumatizing.
In my naïveté I believed humanity was a decent animal who had a conscience and was shocked to hear of the tortures forced on innocent people.
But the point of power is to create a world where the majority of people have very little power over their lives. That's what war is about.
So we who are not invested in weapons of mass or psychological destruction must practice loving kindness as well as good planning.
The Reason For World Poverty
From the Broadbent Institute: On the recent passage of Bill 21 in Quebec: "Put simply, expressions of Muslim identity are portray...
When you glance at the history of human organization, what stands out to you as something that keeps happening? War? Violence? Hate? Myso...
Walking around the Farmer's Market on a summer morning I passed two craftswomen engaged in conversation. What word describes the op...