Monday, 23 September 2024

Why Do We Keep Going To War?

This is an article that stands out for humility and wisdom.

Believe, sorry that's all, I have never felt I or anyone other person is the one that holds and speaks the truth at all times. 

The main attraction to this post is the statement we look for people who represent our selves. The imagination holds on to the notion that we are the experts expert.

It's time to give up hope that war, weapons, violence and extreme wealth, can exist together.

I am impressed by the people who seek peace and justice. We don't have time to squander our resources on war, attaining a status of power so great, no-one will attack us. Even the Industrial revolution harmed people, warriors are mentally ill when they seek to crush an opponent by killing them off. 

There are no solutions said Anotole Rapoport when I asked my naive questions. Why are humans falling into wars and violence as a solution. 

Now it looks like humanity is destroying its homeland. Young people are horrified. We seem to have lost the community we think is on our side. We keep killing and it looks like we are victims of our own greed.

What is the reason among the many beliefs, we think we can win while making a profit?

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Emotional Rape of Soldiers by Chris Hedges

 This is you now. And now no one can reach you. You are death’s angel. You are numb and cold. But, I suspect, this will not last. I covered war for a long time. I know, even if you do not, the next chapter of your life. I know what happens when you leave the embrace of the military, when you are no longer a cog in these factories of death. I know the hell you are about to enter. This is you now. And now no one can reach you. You are death’s angel.  Chris Hedges 

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Let me talk to you about pornography

What is pornography?

"pornography, representation of sexual behaviour in books, pictures, statues, films, and other media that is intended to cause sexual excitement. The distinction between pornography (illicit and condemned material) and erotica (which is broadly tolerated) is largely subjective and reflects changing community standards. The word pornography, derived from the Greek porni(“prostitute”) and graphein (“to write”), was originally defined as any work of art or literature depicting the life of prostitutes." 

I have read about and looked at examples of "pornographic" material. Arousal is a signal of feelings arising from images, words, imagination -- all coming from feelings inside you as you deal with images and words. 

Arousal begins with you and your body, subject to stimulation from seeing or reading about your sexuality. The way to become friends with your own sexual desires is to witness them, learn about what's normal, what's desirable and what is healthy.

Yes I am an old lady now and have had many years to learn about my own sexual desires. Sexuality is only a problem when we want to control a group of others. I don't wish to control young minds but I'd like to stop those who want to exploit the innocent. Laws to protect the vulnerable have limited power because it is the criminality around exploiting the vulnerable that does the most harm. The rapists,  thieves and the killers. To avoid most of the harm we can instil the notion that your body belongs to you. Get to know it. Either in private or with the help of those who are trained to care for you.

Pornography only has the power to give you ideas, the sex trade is harmful because someone wants to make money out of your sexual desires. Please get to know your body and mind. Take responsibility for your desires and how you express them. 

This sounds reasonable but there are many who want to exploit and it's those who we do  need to engage with. If we find ourselves in a web of activity that makes us uncomfortable, afraid, or questioning our desires, stop and think about it. Don't blame others for your feelings and thoughts. 

Most public conversations are about the harm done by society seeking to control the innocent. Let's educate ourselves and take responsibility for our own actions. Instead of locking up the conversation, let's talk about it and see if we can encourage our population to take care of their own integrity.

Saturday, 14 September 2024



“We live in a time of such confusion and rancour, with a culture that puts a premium on things that don’t last: money, fame, status, likes. We chase the approval of strangers on our phones. We build all manner of walls and fences around ourselves and then we wonder why we feel so alone. We don’t trust each other as much because we don’t take the time to know each other.” 

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Neoliberalism simultaneously promises the world and snatches it away.

" It tells us that if you work hard enough, you too can be an alpha. But it also creates the conditions which ensure that, no matter how hard you work, you are likely to remain subordinate and exploited. It has enabled the formation of a new rentier class, that owns the essential assets and ruthlessly exploits younger and poorer people. Young men step into a world of promises – to find all the golden doors are locked, and someone else has the key."

The Past Is Orange - George Monbiot

How To Be A Winner!

 In all the posts telling Justin its time to resign as leader, there is no logical reason given.

In fact there is very little on the connection between being a leader and the policies and talents they possess. You would think that leadership requires skillful talent, high IQ and good looks.

Trumpism reveals narcissism as a winning feature. The tireless belief in ones own talents but there are no serious conversations about his gifts for being a good leader for the most powerful nation on earth.

I remember endless film on Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and other movie stars. Like a mystique without explanation. Popularity, beauty, unexplainable qualities. Don't analyze just clap. This is the way of populist leaders. The image not the actual reasons. Fame is not a list of talents, IQ rates. Like love and sex it's a mystique. 

"Marilyn vos Savant is known as the person with the highest IQ ever recorded and has often been referred to as “the smartest person in the world.” According to the Guinness Book of Records, Marilyn vos Savant’s IQ score was 228 when she was tested in 1956. › marilyn-vos-savant"

Who knew? Where are the T-shirts? Perfumes? Racing cars? 
And why are males presented as the teachers/leaders/rulers?

Society is not interested in truth, only a hierarchy that enable 
us to feel good. 

Monday, 9 September 2024

Afghanistan: Power and Survival

The display of women in Afghanistan, fully covered in cloth, eyes, hands or feet, is not a display of men's power, although many may want to believe it. It's about power over life. Life is merely another commodity in man's attempt to be in control.

Living in a capitalist society we have been taught to believe, we are isolated individuals competing for the most of what each of us wants (IICFTMOWEOUSW), so we have populations who cannot find enough food to eat, shelter or health care. But entertainment is everywhere whether you want it or not.

The inclusion of women in leadership has made life better for some of us but we still fear violence. Might doesn't make right, it makes politics and religion. We label ourselves and one another. We follow trends to establish scapegoats and arguments that favour those with power and acceptance of injustice towards those whose power has been taken away by prejudice.

Women are still raped and murdered which we have filed under "bad luck". Men have been murdered if they have been labelled as "other". We think we are civilized because we created laws and punishment.

It's easy to get lost in arguments of justice/injustice yet most of us suffer. The beliefs of those who have more power, traditions, what others think of us, and where we stand in the family hierarchy, or the office where we work.

The love of power in position or money, keeps us imprisoned to various degrees. We might be victims of others' ignorance, poor health or loneliness.

Today we may call this luck of the draw, worldly wise or conservative. We also work tirelessly to calm ourselves with our personal wisdom and parents often work hard to train children to avoid unnecessary pain and fit in.

It's a matter of having enough good fortune to find a home, a job and the education needed to survive. Living in a place where we are respected and working in a company that is fair, is more than luck, it depends on political responsibility where we learn the morality of our society.

Had we abandoned the idea of social justice, not only would life be more brutal, but we wouldn't have learned anything about peace and justice. More importantly we must see the world as it is with the question of how to make it better for all as an ongoing tension if we don't want to be like Afghanistan.

Thursday, 5 September 2024


 there's a chance we may learn more about the power we have as intelligent, compassionate and caring people.

We may look back on this century - the people we gave power to, who insulted us and all living creatures on this planet, and any others out there.

We may disdain the narcissists who are trying to bury our collective engagements with the well being of life here, the encouragement and love poured into public education, health, entertainment and philosophy.

Look at what has been achieved by those who dared to think outside the box of fashion and entertainment. The work done by those who chose to support a better way than the isolated ego of smooth tongues and pretty gadgets.

Men and women who dare to reveal their true feelings,  workers who speak truth to power, creative minds who invent things that benefit people regardless of whether they know them or not. 

When I was in school, a teacher organized a choir. I joined and found there was something I could do. Prior to that, I had absorbed the sentiments of the time. Going to hell in a hand basket. The first time I felt I had something to offer the world, being part of an organized group, contributing to the world through my voice and commitment. Thank you Mr. Davies.

Listening to the news is grim, as though our future is what "experts" claim, and there is nothing I can do. As though humanity has nothing to offer in the way of hope.

Love dwells in the songs of people who are willing to express their best selves contributing to humanity. 

All the fanfare, fame and news reports have been created by humans. In the choir there are many voices all required, no competition, no vanity or ego elevating. It is a beautiful thing.

You are needed here as long as you care for the world, but we have a lot of work to do.

The Reason For World Poverty