Wednesday, 29 May 2024

The Common Good

Listen to Robert and Heather talk about  THE COMMON GOOD!  Successful living means we need to consider the other. Otherwise we turn into killers. We are not crocodiles or sharks. We are humans and if we believe there is nothing good in the world we will continue to hide in fear in our locked and bolted apartments.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Our Vision is our strength: Jagmeet Singh

"My vision of Canada is one that honours our values: we protect people who cannot protect themselves, and our vision is one of hope, not fear and cynicism. It brings me no pleasure to speak on the mistakes of my coworkers. But, with honest news and trustworthy information so scarce these days, I take my responsibility to level with my fellow Canadians very seriously." Jagmeet Singh


My skills are: empathy, worry, reading, letters to politicians and editor, reading articles about the world from a place of deep concern, connecting with the world as a mother, friend, sister and poet, allowing the bad news to break my heart, writing to friends and activists offering gratitude and encouragement. Loyalty. Oh and listening to others.

What are yours?

Friday, 17 May 2024

Nothing New Here: Helplessly Watching The Decline of Humanity

Our human experiment is collapsing. It can be saved if we greet the day with the nurturing love of a nurse a mother or therapist. But here are some warning signs.

1. Wars against unarmed people, including women and children.

2. Migrants forced to leave countries where they were born,  hoping for survival.

3. Shortage of housing for those who need shelter not just an investment.

4. Shortage of shelter for young people.

5. Media focus on  people who express contempt for the vulnerable.

6. Rise of Misogyny,  Nazism and Antisemitism. 

7. Shortage of adequate health care.

8. Higher costs of necessities.

9. Gentrification of cities.

10. Homes used as economic collateral.

11. Fewer shopping choices means less competition and higher prices.

12. Large corporations making decisions based on self interest.

13. less respect for community well being, more traumatic circumstances that bring community to the brink of chaos, and a general acceptance of society going down hill financially and morally.

14. Society degenerating into "drug-dealer fear and hate" rule.

15. Rising attitude of contempt for life. More women are victims of violence while abortion has become illegal.

16. We even see how wild animals have more awareness than humans who seek political power.

17. We are now in a state of emotional, physical and spiritual contempt for all life. 

18. Not because we are all evil, but because those who are under the impression of their own "greatness" see any attempts at moral engagement as a loss of their "greatness", as failure.


The Reason For World Poverty