"Poets, he said, had a sacred calling. They must not allow the oppressed to remain voiceless, the crimes of the oppressor to go unnamed or memory to be obliterated. They must, like the prophets of old, feel the blast from heaven, rage against the night, conquer, as Abrham Heschel wrote, “callousness, to change the inner person as well as to revolutionize history.”"' Chris Hedges on Gerald Stern. https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/death-of-an-oracle?
Sunday, 30 October 2022
Death of an Oracle - Gerald Stern
"Poets, he said, had a sacred calling. They must not allow the oppressed to remain voiceless, the crimes of the oppressor to go unnamed or memory to be obliterated. They must, like the prophets of old, feel the blast from heaven, rage against the night, conquer, as Abrham Heschel wrote, “callousness, to change the inner person as well as to revolutionize history.”"' Chris Hedges on Gerald Stern. https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/death-of-an-oracle?
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Celtic Woman - The Parting Glass
The video is a performance by Celtic Woman. Although wikipedia says it is originally a Scottish ballad of the parting glass that goes back 1770 given to friends or loved ones as they depart. It is beautiful and sad.
Monday, 24 October 2022
War and insanity
"I dealt with many of these ideologues — David Petraeus, Elliot Abrams, Robert Kagan, Victoria Nuland — as a foreign correspondent for The New York Times. Once you strip away their chest full of medals or fancy degrees, you find shallow men and women, craven careerists who obsequiously serve the war industry that ensures their promotions, pays the budgets of their think tanks and showers them with money as board members of military contractors. They are the pimps of war. If you reported on them, as I did, you would not sleep well at night. They are vain enough and stupid enough to blow up the world long before we go extinct because of the climate crisis, which they have also dutifully accelerated." Chris Hedges
Watch George Monbiot diagnose the problems of our age: https://youtu.be/pofTr1QKiBk
Friday, 21 October 2022
Lintel: short poems on what keeps us together - Deadline Nov. 15, 2022
I would like to create the opportunity for people to write poems on what holds us together on this planet in this universe.
Like the love for life, after all nothing lives if it is not given love. So to do that I am asking for submissions on the theme of what holds us together? Like for example - the Lintel holds the roof on a wall and it protects us from wind, rain and snow for as long as it can, as long as we look after the house and the people we rely upon.
This will not be a way to make money but to get into a creative salve. The book will be a small chapbook printed on white paper with black ink, ready before December, to read like the advent calendar in that winter month. 25 short poems we can use as we would a seasonal card, but with our wisdom stanzas.
The poems must be new, not published elsewhere and must come with a letter to say you wrote it and give me a one time permission to print. The booklets can be sold for $5 each to donate to a local charity of your choosing.
The idea is to give us the redeeming sense that all life matters just like that unadorned lintel that keeps the roof over your head.
Send your submissions to janetvickers@gmail.com with a brief intro of who you are. Put LINTEL SUBMISSION in the subject line.
Also your name, and a way you can be reached. I will let you know whether your submission has been accepted or not. Sorry I can't promise that all submissions will be accepted. If it is I will send you a copy of the chapbook as your payment.
Friday, 14 October 2022
George Monbiot on Malignant Growth
"For many years, a small band of us “voices of decline” and “enemies of enterprise” who “don’t understand aspiration” have been trying to point out that increments in gross domestic product do not equate to increments in happiness. We have argued that no one wins the human race. We have sought to explain that what mainstream economists call progress is what ecologists call planetary ruin. We’ve contended that infinite growth on a finite planet is a recipe for catastrophe. I hope Liz Truss is right to claim that so many people now accept our arguments." https://www.monbiot.com/2022/10/14/malignant-growth/
Thursday, 13 October 2022
Remembering: A Poem for Chris Straw
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Goede Hoop Marimba Band play Vivaldi | Education Africa
Saturday, 8 October 2022
Men Going Their Own Way
"Men Going Their Own Way is a male supremacist movement similar to the more commonly known incel, or involuntarily celibate, movement. The latter entered the Canadian public discourse in 2018 when a man who espoused the incel ideology murdered 10 people in Toronto with a van. Since then, researchers and advocates have worked to sound the alarm about misogynist radicalism and violence, especially in online forums. " https://www.nationalobserver.com/2022/10/07/news/misogynist-group-tagged-poilievres-videos-mgtow
Of course there are new hate groups. The various interests have claimed their ground, found financial support from those who found they don't belong in a world that is sectioned into various interests.
This happens when we are lead to believe we are isolated units competing for the most of what each of us wants, when the measure of wealth is the GDP, when media focus is on who scores and who loses, when hockey Canada cannot admit they have a sexual violence problem. Our "leaders" have been failing humanity since the beginning of civilization and each century we hope things will get better.
Wednesday, 5 October 2022
Some Good News Among The Tragedies
"When a Unitarian congregation in Ottawa’s West End neighbourhood wanted to advance reconciliation in their community, they took the advice of Verna McGregor, an Elder from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, who suggested they start an Indigenous learning centre.
Matteo Cimellaro. National Observer
The Reason For World Poverty
From the Broadbent Institute: On the recent passage of Bill 21 in Quebec: "Put simply, expressions of Muslim identity are portray...
When you glance at the history of human organization, what stands out to you as something that keeps happening? War? Violence? Hate? Myso...
Walking around the Farmer's Market on a summer morning I passed two craftswomen engaged in conversation. What word describes the op...