Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Has the word "Economy" come to mean something else?

Listening to  Michael Enright's final episode of The Sunday Edition (Sunday, June 28/2020)  I heard Adam Gopnik talk about the obsession among damaged rulers as domination or submission. 

I confess I have suspected that leaders of right wing parties now seem to be 'strongmen' whose only concern is how to dominate. Win or lose, control or be castrated. It's not a new thing but it is seen by thoughtful healthy people to be an obstacle to relationship and mental health. I think it's an obstacle to a livable future.

Listening to conversations where people appear to be hostile to ideas of community, justice, living wages and respect — because these ideas get in the way of the economy, which is promoted as the highest priority for today.

It seems the economy is not part of human structure but the god to be worshipped faithfully, not shared with a reverence for life. Greed must worship the economy, we must  bow down to it, to cast out  any other concern. Kindness, compassion, are infidels that get in the way of masturbatory greed breathing heavily in all public spaces.

Umair Haque wrote in 2018 "Americans, it seems to me, don’t treat one another like human beings. Perhaps they don’t even really know how  to. They’re constantly dehumanizing, objectifying, and degrading people — beginning with themselves." The Idea That Changed the World but America Never Learned. Medium.

This is corporate fascism.  Greed for money and status is the destruction of life for the sake of power. In psychiatry it's called 'megalomania', 'psychopathic', 'sociopathic'.

A good and wise friend however, advised that many Americans do not fall under this generalization and grieve for the structural violence created by such capitalist values. 

Any institution that promotes and upholds the supremacy of capitalism, is willing to let all of natural creation die for this 'economy'.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Why Black Lives Matter

Civilization has developed language, cities, shelter, and history.

Children are sent to school to learn language, arithmetic and how to socialize. A good thing. Then they are taught to compete for success which encourages suspicion towards others and fear they will not “measure up”.  Not so good a thing.

Today there are people dying of starvation while celebrated men and women live in luxury. If you ask a five year old if this is fair, their answer will depend on their education and their class.

While the richest countries store weapons of mass destruction those on the lower end of the pecking order cannot afford health care, a home or food to eat. Masses are considered disposable if they don’t have money or power. The gap between haves and have-nots widens every decade. Hatred is becoming more brutal.  We might not say it out loud but policies from right wing parties say the poor deserve to die through neglect and emotional abuse. 

Contradictions in ideology — we have a duty to be positive, happy and fulfilled, but deprived of the means to purchase it. Multiple screens parade all the possibilities that promise happiness. Beautiful women, great sex, fame and world recognition. And when it doesn’t come then broken hearts choose performative power—misogyny, racism, bullying, machismo and war.  

This is where we are hit by the realization we are broken and its too late to fix. This is where drugs and alcohol become more than occasional pleasure and on top of everything else, we are controlled by the addiction and the dealers who don’t just persuade but threaten us.

Even education has become corrupt because it's another market and markets sell fantasies on top of knowledge. Fantasies such as—I need another degree to get a job that pays well rather than a social awakening to question why I am not paid well? Getting rich is the only standard that counts in a material world and getting into Ivy League institutions where blonde muscular boys and skinny sexy girls join cults of personality for popularity. They become items. 

In this world of material gloss everything has a price. There is no nuance. Empathy and compassion are unaffordable sensitivities, and when it comes to your own happiness you realize you are alone and the whole world is broken.

The designated scapegoats: marginalized poor, sick, black, Cree, Muslim, Jew or other-gendered — must redesign their world through emotional turmoil to the point of insight. 

This insight enables us to see just how broken, criminal and shallow, the mainstream guardians of power within and above our institutions are.

This is why the real power of community and all its manifestations have been outlawed.

The ruling jailors need us to remain ignorant of our true nature, in order to keep the prisons locked and to keep us hungry, afraid and angry.  And this is why black lives matter.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020



The centre of almost every plot
is the little prick
the serial rapist angry at his mother
giving up his life to seek the highest office 
to spite her long after she died
how the ego puts all the wonders of this world 
beneath his boot
because to win anything in spite
is never enough

even four centuries of slavery
cannot pay back the hurt
that first cut or bruise
when all the infant craved
was love, a home where safety
could be felt and parents smiled
with joy, their eyes sending
the message 
he is worth more than gold stars
on a school essay, 
but young children are snatched
from loving arms to cold corridors to learn
they are trash
so they can rule the world
with spite.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

I CAN’T BREATHE for George Floyd

The knee of endless war on your neck
the pecking order applauding spite
as if Make America Great Again
is all about the power to cause pain
to the unarmed black lives
stolen from their home to endure
generations of cruelty
white people robbing themselves 
of dignity and integrity
in this green wet world now bleached 
of nuance.

The Reason For World Poverty
