Wednesday 6 November 2024

Requiem for Humanity


Sometimes we were given opportunities to improve our lot, but because it was offered to all, not just to you and me, we didn't see the value in it. We became social crocodiles. We voted against it because we believed that true power was only given to a special minority. We were still children in a moral sense, behaving badly.

We looked for politics that would make us special. We didn't understand that uplifting all of life would also uplift us.  And because we wanted special status we never blamed ourselves for the outcomes, we would jeer and laugh at the ridicule shown to others in a short moment of smugness.

This is how we lost the world, allowed those who did the work to be burned as witches, murdered as queers, hung as Africans. We are in the minority but we decide the fate of the future of all.

When people go hungry and homeless while a special few fly jets to different planets, we are saying life is common, not special. Then we treat each other as trash.

Tuesday 5 November 2024

Weaving a Future From Dreams and Wisdom


"Harris is the rule of law; Trump, lawlessness. Harris, inclusion; Trump, exclusion. Harris, decency; Trump, loathsomeness. Harris, the American Dream; Trump, the American nightmare. Harris wants the best for the country; Trump wants the best only for himself. I don’t need to go on. You know all this. The question is why doesn’t everyone else? " Robert Reich.

 “By fascism I just have in mind (1) the cult of personality of a Leader; (2) the party that becomes a single party; (3) the threat and use of violence; and (4) the big lie that must be accepted and used to reshape reality: in this case, that Trump can never lose an election.” Robert Paxton (The Tyee, Nov. 5)

I have only heard a couple of people explain why they are voting for Trump, and I sense, which is not proof or rational judgement, and it seems like they don't really know or cannot articulate.

So I have a theory, based on feelings not logic, not provable, that its somewhat like a nice cup of tea, known, warm and comforting.

I also believe that our most common theories work like a blanket on an infant's cot. We are not ready to give it up, so when we do our worst, when we are left without any way to tackle it, trying to overcome grief and shame, we'll find something to blame.

Saturday 2 November 2024

The Wheel of Justice


When a narcissist with great ambitions takes over the media, daily reports keep telling us we have no hope.  It's not because of some mysterious reason. Bullies begin by threatening your neighbours and friends and the isolated egos who struggle to survive feel overwhelmed, the power we need is to do what is needed.

It's not easy because most people do not think they have power over others or the kind of power to change the course of events. Most of us think in terms of personal actions. What can an ordinary person do?

That we live in a time where power is in media, wealth and fame, puts the majority of people in the faceless, nameless public.

For centuries, no matter where you live, we are told we live in a hierarchical society. The nation sets up gates in the city where most of us are locked out of metaphorically high towers.

But it's not just one narcissist who is concerned here. We are living in a time where many people are looking for justice and the power of love to get us through this. Of course we don't have a plan to take over the hunger for money, power and fame. We don't have a gun that will make everyone kind and brave, instantly.

The long war against human greed and violence is still being fought although its very difficult to point out what we can do about it. It's not an easy fix. There are too many monsters in the way.

These monsters are not just a particular group of people. Not just misguided Christians, Capitalists and Truck Drivers. Not just white people. Not just males. If we want to blame a particular group we could say humans but humans are also the doctors, the nurses, the teachers, the students and the shop owners.

These monsters have written poetry, songs, built cars, homes and shopping centres. They are everywhere. They are us after having been traumatized in the centuries old habit of struggling to win. So in our desire to get rid of them we can't send them to jail or hang them.

We cannot win our battle to define then imprison THE BAD GUYS. We have to change the way human society works. Not with games and prizes. But with the heart and the stomach and the eyes and the ears.

With words to up our own dedication to the nameless cause of future survival.

Wednesday 30 October 2024

Warning From George Monbiot

Dear US voters,

in the spirit in which I would beg a dear friend not to get a facial tattoo, I’m writing to ask you not to vote for Donald Trump. While the decision to do so would make a statement, signalling your justifiable anger about the pain you have suffered, it is likely to disfigure you, damage your life chances and prove irreversible. 

In the link above is a lengthy warning. I live in Canada but believe humanity is under threat for its survival.

Tuesday 29 October 2024

Last Thoughts Meandering Through The World


is my home where I wake and sleep

in gratitude for the man who takes care of me.

Gratitude for the first borne

for making me a mother.

then second and third

and their children.

These keep me disciplined

as much as possible.

In gratitude for those who remember

how I used to be. 

At least I have a roof over my head

three meals a day and care.

I don't know how long I shall have them.

I've forgotten how to keep on top

of the essential needs

and so tired of listening

to squabbles from the radio

the television the gossip

and the warnings leaving me

to understand how we have not cared

for one another sufficiently.

There are caring people who offer

advice, mention their concerns

for the future of humanity

gates, locks and words

as if fear and panic

is merely looking

for the right words

to go away

empathy looking for certainty

inventing the next century.


Sunday 27 October 2024

The Source of All Our Problems


It's life! Because of life we must build schools, hospitals, roads, cars, medicine. This is why some have created AI. It can run this world  without humans.

We are closer to this realization than we think!

Imagine sports heroes being puppets. Imagine politicians as clowns operated by artificial intelligence. Imagine redundant hospitals turned into sports arenas.

Imagine no roads, no wars, no schools, no movies, no entertainment, no traffic jams. Look at how much we could save if we killed off all people in a nuclear war! There would be no more racism, no misogyny. No pollution. 

If you're exasperated with the state of this world imagine heaven on earth. But wait a minute there wouldn't be sex or BBQ'd steak. No reason to strive for first place, no shopping, no Christmas tree.

Friday 25 October 2024


Now I have your attention, please understand this post will not be about sex but gender.

The reason I am using it is because there is a tendency to blame women which no-one wants to talk about.

There is outrage about the issue of gender. Having lived for 70 years on this planet I can confess my guilt. My school friend Suzanne called me out as a cissy. It was true. I didn't have courage engaging in conflict by expressing my values until after 1975 when a met a couple of women who were educated about world affairs of how women were valued. 

At that time I mostly sensed discrimination in bad behaviour, bad manners, and people who weren't nice. Feminism was not something I thought about other than I thought it dangerous. I experienced issues of discrimination and preferred to fight it discreetly. To call it bad manners. Give it attention.

A neighbour said her husband thought people who write letters to the editor were just seeking attention. This was when I learned if I wanted to get ahead I had to adopt popular beliefs.  Actually I learned to fit in watching sitcoms on TV.

It didn't work. Told I think too much, it hit home. Just look pretty and say yes. Be normal. Don't complain about how you have been treated. It's the pecking order, common sense, normal, natural. No-one will mind if you keep your thoughts to yourself, smile, look happy. 

Since those days I learned there was a lot of anger. Good kind teachers were too soft, kids would not be afraid of them and would misbehave. I was known as having "nice apples" and could get along if I kept my opinions to myself.

Today I see women in the news, in business and politics seemed to indicate we were getting on. Ups and downs were endured. Husband and children doing okay. I can't complain.

But now I know I am dangerous. I listen to news on the radio. I have an arts degree in adult education. I watch documentaries on TV. I read Chomsky and Harari. And the turmoil in our world is about women who have 'nice apples' also have wisdom and courage. We have learned that the path to a good future is to nurture the best in us. Not competing for the most of what each of us wants, not war, not weapons of mass destruction, not authoritarianism. Not lies, not hate, not quick slogans, not accusations not descrimination. Money is powerful if its used for the greater good, not locked up in the bank.

I am not saying we should give everything away. I am saying we should be socially responsible and ask ourselves what will be good for our conscience and our future. We are not just the shape of our genitals. We are thinking creatures, capable of doing a lot of good and perhaps surviving.

Requiem for Humanity

  Sometimes we were given opportunities to improve our lot, but because it was offered to all, not just to you and me, we didn't see the...