Infinite Power
is not a zero sum game.
Thursday, 27 February 2025
Thursday, 20 February 2025
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Future of Humans on This Planet
Based on what is happening today, I see that women or woman will be kept in barns with hay and a few vegetables. They won't live long because their use is the uterus. After several births the woman attached to the stall with chains on her legs until she dies. Males will be allowed to live freely until they reach 15 years old after roaming, fighting, serving the war. If she is caught singing, talking or dancing, her tongue will be cut out and her bones in her legs broken so she cannot walk more than a few steps.
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Real humans don't pretend to love power more than life. We live in life. We wouldn't be here if there was only power but no love for life. We were born from not just a uterus but through a woman who carried that life until it was ready to leave her body. It was an embryo. It came from a woman's body and a man's seed. It grew by the warmth of a woman's blood and the elements that kept her body healthy like food and water. From habits and education that came from parents, grandparents, nurses and the love they learned from their parents. With the wisdom that came from others in the community that was based on wisdom and love. Generation after generation learning, living, and passing on their knowledge to young ones. Some believe this along with nature, came from GOD.
Friday, 14 February 2025
Wednesday, 5 February 2025
This is just a belief I carry
Sunday, 2 February 2025
The New Dinosaurs
Once upon a time dinosaurs roamed and ruled the earth. Little humans (as they appeared to giants) stayed in their caves out of fear. Alright I don't know that they stayed in their caves. Somehow they survived and outlived the monster.
The good news is we are still here. Bad news is we seem to be destroying our chances for survival.
There is a tendency to dismiss the idea of nurture as a way of behaving in our capitalist technological world.
What we have achieved is a society of different worths. The highly educated, the rich, the capitalist factories, the inventors of cars, buses and trains, the hospitals, the education of health, including entertainment, circuses, television and other wonders. We humans have achieved a lot. Or at least some of us have.
We have also created the labelization of people. National names. Religious groups. Types of personalities. There is some benefit to this but we tend to get carried away making judgements, creating types, prisons, special schools, universities.
We have slaughtered the carefree mind, filling it with fear and worry, false advertisements promoting long life and good health. Misogyny, machismo training young men to fear their feelings. Wars. Prisons. Roads. Pollution. The dictionary is too heavy to hold.
Separating people into types creates more fear. Nuclear Weapons. Laws. Newspapers.
Yes we keep building more things to create a better world. But there are always the losers and the winners.
Labelling people as losers separates us from humanity, our kin. Today we have the most powerful nation run by opportunists. We inherited our own enemy. We try to segregate them as we have for centuries.
The "upper class" who have enough money to buy a big home, send their children to good schools, places of worship and other things to create a "better" world. Unfortunately privilege has also destroyed better worlds. We are trapped by fear. It's not our fault. But it is our fault.
Workers, engineers, fishermen, wives, mothers, lawyers, capitalists, bus drivers, teachers, mothers, housekeepers, garbage pick ups, gardeners, shop-keepers, scientists, doctors, nurses, and on it goes.
We are amazing. So amazing we are evil, compassionate, controlling, warriors and defenders. As time moves on we may be described as magical, but the future looks scary. To all of us. Rich or poor.
So let's stop judging, making enemies in our minds, and let's learn how to guide the future for us all.
The Reason For World Poverty
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